Last year, a friend asked me, “How can I get back in shape? I tried exercising, and I failed. Can I do anything else to manage my weight and stay healthy?” And I replied, “You haven’t failed at exercising. You only took a break, and you will get back to it.” She later told me how my words caused her to refocus on her goals. And how I made her realize that it was not time to quit but to begin again! Generally, when we decide that we have failed at something, we give up on it and quit. We close the book instead of turning the page. This New Year presents you with a blank template to begin again. Will you seize the opportunity and run with it? Or maybe you want to begin again and don’t know how? Then jump in to find out how!


Why should you begin again?

Simply put, you should begin again because it’s another chance to succeed. In fact, it’s the only way to success. Think about it. How many things have you succeeded at on your first try? Not many, I presume. Just as Rome was not built in a day, you must give yourself time to succeed. Believe it or not, time is on our side as long as we are alive.

Instinctively, we recognize the New Year as an opportunity to start afresh and begin again. Or why else do we come up with our goals and resolutions for the New Year? Although many people believe New Year resolutions are ineffective, one study showed that 55% of people considered themselves successful in sustaining their resolutions at the end of the year. So, this year, you could be one of those who succeed in their goals.


Secondly, beginning again helps you overcome your fear of failure. Did you know that the number one cause of failure is the fear of failure? The fact is, if we don’t start at all, we will fail! And guess what the second cause of failure is? – Giving up too soon! Therefore, if we fail to begin again, we will fail! Indeed, success is not created overnight. It takes many steps and missteps to create success. So, if your last step was a misstep, it’s time to begin again.

Where did you fail last year? Perhaps, like my friend, you only took a break. Ultimately, when you begin again, you are more likely to succeed by following these steps.

Steps to beginning again


1. Reflect on the past

What made you fail? What factors worked against you? Identify that these were only setbacks and not failures. What do you need to change now to improve your chance of success?

2. Forget the past

Don’t let the past hold you down. You must let go of past perceived failures to progress towards your goal.

3. Forgive yourself

Love yourself enough to forgive yourself. You may have identified that some steps you took in the past led to failure. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging that you are only human; we are all imperfect and make mistakes.


4. Refine and recommit

Is this something you really want? We try and fail at some things, and at the end of the day, we find out we never really wanted them. Sort out what you want from what you don’t want, and choose what is important and beneficial to you and those around you. In other words, what are you enthusiastic or passionate about? Purpose to pursue your passion with renewed energy.

5. Find your why

Why is it important for you to succeed in this particular thing? For example, are you trying to exercise and get back in shape for health reasons? Do you need to start this new career or business so you can have a better quality of life? Knowing your why is crucial for the times you feel like quitting. It will help you to continue pushing.

6. Set goals you can achieve

Set realistic goals that you can achieve. It’s great to have an overarching goal so you can push yourself. But underneath that, have smaller goals that will happen faster. Big goals take longer to achieve, and you may get tired or lose hope before reaching them. So, set smaller goals you can achieve in a shorter time, and remember to celebrate. Celebrating one goal gives you the energy to tackle the next one.


7. Find a community

Find people to keep you accountable. Whatever your goal is, there are people with similar goals or who have achieved the same goals you are working on. Find them and ask them to be your accountability partners. Research shows that you are more likely to succeed at something if you are accountable to someone.

8. Remain flexible

Plans change, goals change, and the environment changes. The worst thing you can do is to stick to a goal that is no longer relevant or beneficial. Goals can transform because change is constant. You must embrace change so that your goals can remain relevant.

Final thoughts


Now, if you follow the steps above, can you still fail? Possibly! However, you have the resilience to begin again until you succeed. Like the first few steps of a toddler, the trick is to remain hopeful, keep at it, and never give up. For more on why and how to stay hopeful, check out “Keep Hope Alive.”

Last year, I did some things that I could have done differently. I could agonize over it and live in regret, but that won’t do me any good, so I have moved on. For more on how to live without regret, check out “What do you Regret Most in Life.” This year, I am grateful for the opportunity to begin again. And I am encouraged by these two Bible verses:

“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19, NLT).

“Of course, my friends, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13, GNT).


Finally, this New Year, the opportunity to begin again is in our hands. Whether you need to make changes in your career, business, relationships, finances, growth, or health and wellness, remember that God’s mercies are new every morning. Every day, you have the opportunity to rewrite your story. Begin again this New Year and watch your life unfold in unexpected and extraordinary ways! Have a Happy New Year!

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Yours in health and fitness.

Doctor Abi